Hi, this is my first time posting anything here. I've been a fan of Little Lunch since it came out. I was more or less the same age as the main character kids while watching it for the first time. I've seen both of the TV specials as well.
To my question. Since Halloween is literally right around the corner, and as someone who doesn't watch horror movies and watches "light scary" things every year, I wanted to ask, where can I watch "The Halloween Horror Story"?
The reason I ask this is because I can't find it anywhere. On YouTube, I could only find either short clips of it and/or poor quality videos. It's strange because I looked up "The Nightmare Before Graduation" and that works fine and the quality looks good, but, not the Halloween special for some reason.
If anyone knows where I can find the Halloween Special, the full episode, in good quality let me know. Thank you.